By Redaction / image by creative commons

"Jeff Bezos" by jurvetson is licensed with CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit 

Billionare and Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos, flew on this tuesday on an successful trip on its Blue Origin ship New Shepard.

His brother Mark, Wally Funk pioneer on the space race and Oliver Daemen, a young student joined Bezos on his 11 minute trip.

Funk with 82 years old and Daemen, 18 years old, were the oldest and youngest people to travel to the space in history.

The ship had great windows, giving amazing views of the earth. This is one of the first trips to the ongoing space tourism industry.

Bezos felt the zero gravity as normal. The ship flew from a private launch center on Van Horn, Texas. When they reach 106 kms. the ship started to land on parachute.

Bezos said it was the best day of his life.


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